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MysteriousPanzer's Customs

Pokemon Customs Cards

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Here is the thread I will use to post all my custom cards, for everyone to enjoy. I'm new, so far this is all I have.

Attached File  FloodPackCard.jpg   246.5KB   0 downloadsAttached File  VenomSymbioteCard.jpg   258KB   0 downloadsAttached File  SamFisherCard.jpg   229.37KB   0 downloads



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PLEASE READ: As I have noticed on other topics, people seem to shun cards that are "OP" or "Aren't Pokemon related". If you think that of my cards, just leave the thread. I make cards for fun, not for your criticism compared to real cards.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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You can blame the competitive atmosphere many of the people here vote on [you're in the proper section for non-Pokemon related media]. Don't ask why they're like that, it's the same on the other cardmaker sites; YCM (where I'm from) and MTG Maker.


That being said, you should word the effects as close as possible to official Pokemon card grammar (unlike YCM, there is no guide to help you write it).



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Just a thought, but it might be nice to see these cards have some actual effects, instead of flavor text on the attacks. Not trying to be mean, just a thought.

  • Sadoldporygon likes this

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