These Cards are cool and so beatifull they are awsome
they need these things and they will be the best:
1-you need to add background in the cards like mine so they will be more good
2-if you were puting an attack that does just damage then you dont need to write: this attack does beam and gets 70hp or anything like that so every attack that do just ddamge just write the damage number and attack name.
3-there are no attack that have 11damage OR 12 OR13 OR14 etc the attack just does 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Yes get it you just need to add 10 every time and its the same for the pokemon health (HP)
4-Your cards are extremly powerfull You need adding more energy cards for each attack or your cards would be unbeatable i mean just 2 energy card do a 40 damage in your mario card
5-Be Creative you can make a bee mario or bee mario Ex or raccon mario or racoon mario Ex or metal mario or metal mario Ex or super sonic or classic super sonic or darksspine sonic or wing mario BLABLABLABLAB. JUST BE CREATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope This Helped