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+ GFX Section Rulebook +

guidelines inb4 i borrowed yins wording

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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Credit to Yin/Suigintou on YCM.


1. Make sure you post original works. If you use stuff from other people, make sure you have permission to do so [and credit when required]


2. Do not use Kid Pix to make graphic works; it looks kiddy-ish. Use stuff like MS Paint for spriting stuff and GIMP/Photoshop (PS) for everything else.


3. If you claim someone ripped your stuff, you MUST provide evidence. Both parties should provide templates (preferably XCF/PSD) of their works to check whether a breach has been committed.


4. Do not rate work in this section. You are REQUIRED to give CnC (constructive criticism); rating does nothing to help a member improve.


5. Regular PCM rules apply.


6. Works cannot be created on a generator, unless it is a Flash file.


Keep in mind that I'm not a mod here (no one here aside from mtgadmin/YCMaker are anyway), but let's get some stuff set now.


GFX Terminology


Credit to Night, Tormy, Catman and many of the YCM GFX veterans.


LP = large piece (at least 550px in each dimension)


Render = picture with a transparent background.


Stock image = original pic used for rendering or any other GFX project


Signature/tag = a small image depicting a character from whatever series you desire. (Exact dimensions are unknown, but I would say around 450px is the max length; 150-200 px for height).




More stuff gets added later.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys; remember that I am nowhere near DG or Night's level in GFX arts (granted, I am talented in my own right)



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Man, these aren't common sense things. I know there is a lot of infringement happening when some people create an idea, but this is a little overwhelming to the people that are used to more rule-barren places that allow art. Rating art I think would be acceptable after you give constructive criticism on something, and remember it is everyone's right to be honestly open with things that they encounter while going through this thread.  And what I meant before in overwhelming is that if you are told exactly how you are supposed to create art, it'll get a little confusing to the viewers on what exactly to do (as it sometimes happens to me on forums that feel the need to be the strictest mother-- oh sorry I am getting off track). What I mean is if I were to use MS paint to draw something really quick-sketched and then bring it here and said "This is just a rough drawing guys don't get angry at me :D " I would expect people to attack me from every direction for something so simple. But you got the one thing most important down :D : Constructive Criticism only. I always love CC as I always needed it to improve on my fakemons while I was still in Tervari. Sorry if I sounded a little rude in my post, i just have't had these type of posts in a while and I sometimes get a good feeling out of making these long posts. GL to all artists that will come to this thread and goodnight!


Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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I pretty much borrowed some stuff from YCM's Graphics section. (Credit to Yin for the rules)

But yeah, it's common sense.


Don't rip and don't accuse someone of it unless you have proof, blah blah blah. If something happens, then members should submit GIMP/Photoshop files or w/e to confirm if something had happened.



You can use MS Paint for sprite purposes or other GFX (it can be done), but don't use Kid Pix or something. It just looks...kiddy-ish.

Rating isn't liked since it's only a number and doesn't really offer much help.



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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Added a #6 about stuff made on generators.

Unless you made it a Flash file, DON'T post it here.


This is for stuff you did with your bare hands (if something is animated or whatever); not if a generator site does it.



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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Not that I expect this place to ever revive or anything, but seriously, don't post AI generated artwork in here because for most intents/purposes, it's not considered art (and stolen at that in most cases).


Never thought this would need to come up.



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