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Official Pokemon X & Y Discussion Thread

3ds pokemon x pokemon y friend codes game discussion

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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Pretty much for getting each other's Friend Codes and receiving help in game [even though the whole forum is dedicated to X&Y stuff)

If anything, just a note of Friend Codes, Safaris and some other stuff.


(Yes, I copied stuff off of the YCM version...)


Friend Codes







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Sorry I don't do X and Y but if you are interested in a site that supports X and Y battling and supports the use of all legal Pokemon, go tho http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ . You won't regret using this site (millions use and play on this site). Just go and click on Team Builder and create yourself a team (no downloads or addons needed), with fully functional items, moves, abilities, base stats and more. If you wonder how to actually battle, go to the top left and switch the format to what "metagame" you want to battle in (such as Over Used, Inverse Battling, Mono-Type, Sky Battles, Middle Cup and more), choose your team you want to use and battle in that metagame. Depending on the metagame, though, different Pokemon, Items andmoves will be banned from that metagame (such as not being able to have the move Double Team or Minimize in any tier except maybe Ubers or Hackmons; Hackmons is where you are able to "hack" your Pokemon you make in a team, giving them "hacked" movesets, items, abilities and EV spreads. Hope this at least helps a little on your quest to play and battle in X and Y gaming (especially the fact that Showdown has an X and Y Wi-Fi room in heir chat that allows people to trade friend codes, battle and trade on cartridge, and just chat).


Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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I use Showdown at times, but since most of my stuff is from Gen 5, I need to adapt/change teams. 


Personally, I think the type chart from GSE to BW2 was just fine; Fairies are alright but it existing solely to check Dragons doesn't click well. (Though I do have a Xerneas and some other Fairies, so I shouldn't really be complaining)



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Fairies make Poison useful again, so I'll be happy to take a buff to my favorite type.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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That's true.

Poison only were useful against Grass until now.


At least Steel has something else it can be useful against. (Though it does loses resistances to Dark/Ghost, so Metagross/Jirachi now have to worry about Gengar or some other Dark/Ghost Pokes OHKOing them on the special side [well, Meta anyway])



In terms of Dragons, Dialga/Reshiram aren't really affected too much since former has Flash Cannon to hit back with (and it hurts with its 150 SP ATK) and Reshi has neutrality b/c it's a Fire type. That of course, if said Fairy carries Earthquake or something (since both share that weakness to Ground moves; I'm mentioning Earthquake b/c apparently every Pokemon that's suitable for using it has it on their moveset)

Edited by Sakura Haruno, 22 May 2014 - 05:51 AM.



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Cat O' Nine Tails

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So, Which Pokémon are fairies now?

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Gardevoir/evo line [except for Gallade]

Azumarill and evos




There's a few more.



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Cat O' Nine Tails

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I expected Clefairy and jigglypuff, But why Gardevoir?

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Beats me.

Also Granbull got made into a Fairy.


Oh yes, and Mr. Mime.



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Cat O' Nine Tails

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Ouch, Mr. Mime? Thats kinda.......scary........

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Considering people had nightmares about it when first released, yeah.



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Cat O' Nine Tails

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It isn't even cute to be a fairy...

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Aromatisse isn't cute either; I adamantly dislike it because it looks hideous. Even its cry sounds meh-ish.

Slurpuff is cute though.



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Pokemon X and Y. :)



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Really cool game.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Only issue with them was that the Elite 4 didn't get stronger during rematches, but can't deny that they introduced a lot of cool stuff. Praise based extended Exp. Share and actually good training areas (costs money, but Kalos literally gives you a ton of ways to make cash).


Also a lot of ways to make EV training less of a pain.



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You guys know NOTHING about Pokemon compared to me. Ask me a question about Pokemon and I will answer it fully true and completely accurate.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Just so we actually go back on topic, what kind of stuff do you want in the remakes, whenever Nintendo/Gamefreak ever get to them before people get too old?



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