Haven't really looked at Pokemon cards in ages so hopefully the wording etc is fine.
Haven't really looked at Pokemon cards in ages so hopefully the wording etc is fine.
3DS Friendcodes
Pokemon X - 5429-8034-0355
Pokemon Y - 2294-4294-5520
Honestly that looks great but swap the first attack with the second attack so the Energy costs look more proportionally sound.
Also how exactly do you get the picture of that card on without having to upload such a small file?
My judgment depends on which era this is for. I'm going to assume WotC era for this, so...
1 Energy for 40 is really good. Like, really, really good. I might knock it back to 30, or add © to the cost.
X-Scisor kind of goes against U-Turn, since it's 3 (M). Also, Metal is really hard to come by in this era (You can only run 4, as it's Special only, though I guess rainbow worked too), so I'd maybe make it (M)©© for 50, 60 if you make it (M)(M)©, and It'd be a solid attacker. Maybe add a Flip for 20 More damage as well to that attack.
Overall, it's really good for a WotC era-card. My only gripe is the HP, but It's a Mega, so I won't be too harsh on that part. Maybe just make it 120/130, though.
this card is seen as not having any cool/cute or cute it has ofc a scizor is cute or fun fun cool cute what more is their .........im out
this card is seen as not having any cool/cute or cute it has ofc a scizor is cute or fun fun cool cute what more is their .........im out
What did I just read.
3DS Friendcodes
Pokemon X - 5429-8034-0355
Pokemon Y - 2294-4294-5520
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