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Cat O' Nine Tails

Ok, I am playing Pokemon White, And The Team I have Is a lv.20 togepi, lv. 32 Joltik, lv. 21 Sandile, lv. 23 Cottenee, lv. 27 Swablu, and a lv. 27 tortuga, Is this team any ggod? I want A litwick, An axew, And a golark on my team to, Which should I keep/swicth? I am also working on the 4th Badge.
Sep 02 2014 03:05 PM
  • Henrior's Photo
    I say switch sandile, togepi,and cottenee
    Oct 15 2014 06:57 PM
  • doomhound63's Photo
    togekiss (stage 2 togepi) is pretty good if u train him right
    Mar 27 2015 01:24 PM
  • Henrior's Photo
    its what i think he should trade
    Apr 06 2015 03:24 PM