Community Status Updates

Flash Flyer - Sakura → YCMaker
If you ever see this / log back on, could you purge the spambots? Thanks. - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura
One good part about PokeCard; although it's quiet, least things are generally civil for the most part.

Flash Flyer - Sakura
And I guess the avatar problem doesn't exist either.
Now if only there was actual activity...
Jan 11 2018 07:36 PM -
Flash Flyer - Sakura
When I say "generally", that just means that there's no complaining and stuff for the most part; unlike the other one. So yeah, keep up the good behavior guys :)
Jan 11 2018 07:43 PM

superwii6 → Flash Flyer - Sakura
please tell me how to check my saved cards plz with cherrys on top :)

Flash Flyer - Sakura
Fakemon or naming your XY team?
May 06 2014 02:31 AM

Flash Flyer - Sakura
Someone needs to write this forum's rules. Since Frunk isn't here...

Shouldn't be an issue. I doubt he really cares much.
Apr 22 2014 06:29 PM -
Flash Flyer - Sakura
Or we design our own...
Apr 24 2014 04:50 AM -
Flash Flyer - Sakura
Nvm, I wrote a set of rules for PCN.
Apr 25 2014 06:04 AM

Flash Flyer - Sakura
Of course I am.
I'm not a YCM veteran for nothing.
Apr 16 2014 06:03 AM

Flash Flyer - Sakura
We seriously need to get more people in this site. There are currently more spambots than there are actual members.

Flash Flyer - Sakura
I would do it on YCM, but you know the rules for advertising there. Unless you want to provoke Yin's wrath.
Feb 24 2014 04:20 PM -
please enlighten me, why you can't do it on YCM? I don't really know the rules but isn't this site somehow affiliated with YCM?
Feb 26 2014 02:20 AM -
Flash Flyer - Sakura
Yeah, YCM is linked over here but since it's considered a separate site, the usual advertising rules apply. You can keep it in your profile space, but DON'T make a thread/post about it there.
Feb 26 2014 10:49 PM

Flash Flyer - Sakura
Even though this site is named Pokemon CARD Maker, would be nice to have a spot for us to post our custom Pokes (with base stats, whatever). Not sure if the User-Created section would qualify for it since it's a sub of the TCG.

Flash Flyer - Sakura
Since some of us might not play the TCG.
Feb 04 2014 04:08 AM -
I will consider it if the demand is sufficient. For now post them in the pokemon art/design section.
Feb 04 2014 05:55 PM -
Flash Flyer - Sakura
OK, thank you for clearing that up.
Feb 04 2014 09:04 PM