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Master Hyperion

We need a guideline on which metagame we should follow if we want to create balanced cards, because the power creep that the TCG has gone through is way to huge.
Feb 02 2014 01:59 PM
  • Sadoldporygon's Photo
    ...own strategy.

    If you look at every card that has an attack in the actual CCG, they are all unique to that Pokemon. But if you look at a regular Pokemon made by some oblivious fan that has an attack, it will most likely have something stupidly OP like "The defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed" or "200" damage attacks.

    So I agree that guidelines should be made, but they should be made at first with a BARE MINIMUM of rules, and people rating and viewing th...
    Feb 02 2014 02:22 PM
  • Sadoldporygon's Photo
    ...e card(s) should decide upong whether or not it it way too OP or not.
    Feb 02 2014 02:22 PM
  • Maid Airride's Photo
    Maid Airride
    Really, We should just Specify. WotC-Era, RS-Era, DP-Era, and BW-On are the main ones I can think of.
    Feb 11 2014 01:49 AM