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Which is best, Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh?

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    Poké Ball

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I'm not sure but I play both games and I thing Yu-gi-oh.

Fakemon Card

Fakemon Card

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in my oppinion pokemon is the best i mean there no point in playing yu-gi-oh because its hard and needs so much time to be learned this is why i sugesst pokemon

Ultra Jimmy

Ultra Jimmy

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That's my awnser.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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@Fakemon Card: Say this to some of the guys on YCM, I guarantee that they will mercilessly shred you apart on your opinion.


Yugioh isn't that hard to learn; just that you need to keep with the meta for competitive play. If you're a casual player, all you have to do is just remember how chain links or whatever work, etc.


Pokemon requires you to remember type advantages, some of the stat calculations if you're gutsy enough to memorize them. Then there's breeding for perfect IVs or whatever; then coupled with Smogon/Wifi fights. (Not referring to the CCG though)



In all, there is no set best between the two; it's dependent on your mentality towards each.



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    Poké Ball

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obvious choice: POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POKEMON: yes:)                                                       YUGIOH: no:(

Fakemon Card

Fakemon Card

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sorry sakura haruno But i hate yu gi oh :P :P :mellow: :mellow:

Cat O' Nine Tails

Cat O' Nine Tails

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Hmm. I have to Say I can't Decide between the too, And Sakura Is Right, I is easy to learn, I personaly Have A harder time playing pokemon

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