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Pokemon Cardmaker Rules

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    Mythic Rare

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Thanks to Sakura Haruno for drafting these rules. 


These are the official rules for the Pokemon Cardmaker Forum! Breaking them will result in consequences in the form of Warnings and/or Bans!!!

1. Do not flame/troll other members OR attack a member because of racial/cultural views
Trolling: Making snide remarks or purposely acting stupid to a member for the sole purpose of ticking them off.
Flaming: Attacks on a person's character for negative reasons.
We expect you to behave yourselves and not attack another member's character because they aren't as good as you or something along those lines. Do not come on here and start calling people the a-word; because you will be reprimanded. You must also respect other users and their personal/racial/religious beliefs.
2. Do not post illegal content
Do not post pictures of sexual content (including any form of mating rituals), Warez, links to illegal hacks and so on.
If you want to link to sites that host RSE hacks or something; do it over PM.
3. Do not use heavy swearing or racial slurs. 
This is a PG-13 forum; keep in mind that we have minors on this site.
Minor swearing is allowed, provided you do it in moderation AND not towards another member. Usage of ANY racial slurs while you are on PCM is forbidden because of the chance of offending another member [even if you may not see it as offensive].
We have a moderator on YCM that is known for swearing more than he should be doing; DO NOT be like him.
4. Attachments
Attachments aren't exactly liked, either here or on YCM, because they take up site bandwidth. If you wish to post your cards or other images, simply use the IMG code from the card generator or if it's not working, upload your cards to another image host and copy the code from there.
5. Post only content YOU made
Since this is a Pokemon Card Making site, it is expected that you post your own works; NOT something that the actual CCG or another member already made. This also applies in the GFX Area (which I have written rules for, prior to doing this)
6. Spamming/Flooding
A general definition: Posting pointless content that does not adhere to a topic at hand. This may also include multiple posts if done in excess (you do it every single day).
We understand posts sometimes get long, so if you need to break a long post into several posts, you may do so.
7. Advertising
Do not post excessive advertisements to your own sites or sites you are affiliated with. It's fine to share with other users details about your own life, which may include links to personal sites and whatnot, but if it appears that you are using the forum as a platform for your own personal promotional campaign, you will face consequences.
8. Signature Length
Keep your signature at the maximum of 6 inches, vertical. This is so posts don't take up a whole page because of images or whatever text you have in there.
9. Abusing PCM privileges
This includes using your account (and possibly alternate accounts) to violate any/all of the above rules and continue to do so if your main account is banned. You don't need another account unless you somehow forgot your recovery email/password.
10. Dealing with spambots and other inappropriate content
If you see any threads or posts that violate the rules, including spambot posts (which advertise random content) or flame/troll wars, DO NOT post in them, Simply report the thread and move on. See the yellow button on the bottom left: use it OR link the thread to a mod if you are unable to use the button.
11. Flooding
Do not continually post in your thread solely for attention or post count; this is flooding and may result in a thread lock/warns. If you have to multiple post in your thread, make sure there is legitimate content.
12. Thread Hijacking
Examples include, but aren't limited to:
- Posting your own cards/pictures in someone else's thread EXCEPT for card/GFX contests or for comparison reasons. If you want to post your cards, make your own thread for them; it's not that hard.
- Posting in someone's else thread solely for attention. Use the status bar for that.
- Carrying on a side conversation that has NO relation to the main topic. For example, if the topic is about Pokemon and then you decide to make a word about some random anime and other members carry that conversation; this is hijacking.
In short, if you want to talk about unrelated stuff, go make your own thread for it. 
Things that aren't considered as thread hijacks (and are OK to do):
- Talking about related stuff, provided it's relevant to the topic at hand.
- Giving CnC or other comments about a card/GFX or whatever.


13. Do not argue with the staff


They were chosen because they were deemed responsible enough to keep the forum running while mtgadmin/YCMaker are away. If they lock/delete a thread, they probably had a reason for doing so. Now, if you feel they're abusing power, then report it to mtgadmin [but check to see if they're following the rules]


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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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I should've put a note about the spoiler tags in the signature rule.

If you have a big signature, please keep it within the tags so it doesn't clog up net. But that should be common sense.


If you need the code, it's


Unlike YCM, you can't put the "=title", but works here.



But otherwise, glad to see that the rules I drafted are now official.



In terms of Rule 3's last part, I was referring to Night with that comment. Given that some of you are from YCM, hopefully you know who he is (and how he acts at times, despite being a Super Mod).



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Kasper 07

Kasper 07

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I argee with you, Sakura Harino.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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These were designed off of the existing stuff on YCM, but edited for usage here.


Rule 1 is especially important, since SEVERAL veteran members there are known to frequently violate it (a lot of their posts call users stupid/insolent for not knowing Yugioh meta and various other things [including starting their posts with some sentence invoking the f-bomb and some other things], or as a general rule of thumb, being the a-word. It's bad enough that one of those said members is a former moderator.)


So yeah, don't act like those members, alright. If you'd like to know their names specifically, then just ask. (To be honest, this was one of the reasons I took a break from YCM; because there were a ton of members who broke that rule [including the aforementioned ones])

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Does the "Post your own works" rule apply to picures from the internet? I am new here.

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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That's basically referring to you making your own cards, instead of blatantly posting stuff that another member made (or already exists)



Change starts with you...it starts with everyone. No matter what type of person you are, try!

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Flash Flyer - Sakura

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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If/when this place ever revives and the spambots are cleaned out, probably may need to put a rule about the usage of AI-generated content (now that it's a major thing now).


For Showcase/Graphics, yeah, don't post stuff you made with an AI (least not in that area). Might be okay in the General area, but it's a hard topic to pin down.



Change starts with you...it starts with everyone. No matter what type of person you are, try!

Try to make the world a better place.

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